Git Commit Conventions

Fransafu | Apr 24, 2022 min read

Hi There!

The commits conventions are very useful when trying to explain to a group of developers (maybe colleagues) about your changes. In the Code Review the implicit explanation of your changes is a powerful tool for their understanding and probably an advantage because you can complement your changes with your explanation, so that means you need a less time to explain and improves the understanding of the case to his colleagues.

A few examples of commits using conventions are the follows

  1. As a developer, I add all the files for the home page
feat(web): Add home page
  1. As a developer, I fix a problem in middleware validation
fix(middleware): Add validation when user is null

So, how I can know the “format” to do commits with conventions? First of all, the following links are a “guide” to check but don’t forget “conventions are conventions, not a rule”


Now, I leave you a table with the conventions that I usually use

format Name Description Examples
feat Features Introduces a new feature to the codebase A new view, new service, new function or process
fix Bug Fixes patches a bug in your codebase Validation if not null in a condición with that problem
build Builds Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies Update a dependency or changes in the build project scripts
docs Documentation Documentation only changes Add the documentation for run the project or test
chore Chores Other changes that don’t modify src or test files Changes IDE or editor code configs
style Styles Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code White-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc
refactor Code Refactoring A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature Rename filename, change variable names, etc
test Tests Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests Add or modify unit test, e2e test, integration test, etc.
ci Continuous Integrations Changes in CI configuration files and scripts Add or modify script for deploy, build, security, lint, etc.

That’s all, thanks for reading!